Konstantinos Thanos

Mathematician, MSc



My name is Konstantinos Thanos. I have a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from University of Patras in Greece. I also have a Master's degree on Computational Mathematics and Computational Inteligence from the same University.

My master's thesis was on "Methods for solving Sparse linear systems and algorithm implementations in Matlab".

In my free time I like to discover programming languages by using them in various projects.

Scientific Interests

  • Numerical Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analysis
  • Computer Vision
  • Web Development


Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

Web Design for Web Developers: Build Beautiful Websites!

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp

Responsive Web Design

CS3.1 : Introduction to web development with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript [Mathesis]

CS4.1: Internet of Things (IoT) in Action: with Raspberry Pi and Python [Mathesis]

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Training on Digital Marketing


Bin Dec Oct Hex

Number System Converter

A program for converting a number from one system to another (bin, dec, oct, hex)

Social Network C++

Social Network in C++

Simple Social Network made in C++. Posts, wall, Friend Request and a few more

Calendar and Red Egg

Easter-Pascha Date

A project on finding Easter's date both for Orthodox and Catholic using Gauss's algorithm.

Dice Roller in game Screen

Dice Roller Game

A two player game with dices. If a player rolls two 1's or two 6's then he loses his round turn and score.

Scientific Calculator

Tkinter Scientific Calculator

Scientific calculator with functions abs, factorial, trigonometric functions, roots and some others

Covid-19 Greece Flag

Covid-19 Greece Data and Plots

Data and plots about the progression of the pandemic in Greece.

Hand Contour and Defect Points

Hand Detection and Finger Counting

Color tracking, contours, convex hulls, polygons and defect points and finger counting

Virtual Keyboard and Color Tracker on Finger

Virtual on Screen Keyboard

Virtual on screen keyboard letting user to type and save any text into text file based on color tracking

Image Viewer Screen

Image Viewer with OpenCV

Browse images one by one using hand/color trackig in order to view the next or previous image each time

Drowsy Driver inside Car

Drowsiness Detection

Real time drowsiness detection. Two checks are made in the program. Blink and Yawn detection

Drawing on Screen with red pen

Virtual Drawing

Real time virtual drawing using camera. Color detection and drawing with the ability to save drawing as image file.

Spot the differences logo

Spot the Differences

Spot the differences between two images. First method using absdiff and in the second we used the package skimage

Resize Image

Resize Ιmage to fit screen

Resize image to fully display on screen. Helpful on OpenCV projects.

Ergasia Ekpedeftiki front page

Ergasia Ekpedeftiki

Wordpress site of Ergasia Ekpedeftiki a Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education and Training center. Project while working on Wefixit company.

The Home Bee front page

The Home Bee

Linen and Homeware Eshop of the The Home Bee store build with Wordpress. Project while working on Wefixit company.

Hand Contour and Defect Points

Hand Detection and Finger Counting

Color tracking, contours, convex hulls, polygons and defect points and finger counting

Virtual Keyboard and Color Tracker on Finger

Virtual on Screen Keyboard

Virtual on screen keyboard letting user to type and save any text into text file based on color tracking

Image Viewer Screen

Image Viewer with OpenCV

Browse images one by one using hand/color trackig in order to view the next or previous image each time

Drowsy Driver inside Car

Drowsiness Detection

Real time drowsiness detection. Two checks are made in the program. Blink and Yawn detection

Drawing on Screen with red pen

Virtual Drawing

Real time virtual drawing using camera. Color detection and drawing with the ability to save drawing as image file.

Spot the differences logo

Spot the Differences

Spot the differences between two images. First method using absdiff and in the second we used the package skimage

Resize Image

Resize Ιmage to fit screen

Resize image to fully display on screen. Helpful on OpenCV projects.

Dice Roller in game Screen

Dice Roller Game

A two player game with dices. If a player rolls two 1's or two 6's then he loses his round turn and score.

Ergasia Ekpedeftiki front page

Ergasia Ekpedeftiki

Wordpress site of Ergasia Ekpedeftiki a Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education and Training center. Project while working on Wefixit company.

The Home Bee front page

The Home Bee

Linen and Homeware Eshop of the The Home Bee store build with Wordpress and WooCommerce. Project while working on Wefixit company.

Covid-19 Greece Flag

Covid-19 Greece Data and Plots

Data and plots about the progression of the pandemic in Greece.

Bin Dec Oct Hex

Number System Converter

A program for converting a number from one system to another (bin, dec, oct, hex)

Social Network C++

Social Network in C++

Simple Social Network made in C++. Posts, wall, Friend Request and a few more

Calendar and Red Egg

Easter-Pascha Date

A project on finding Easter's date both for Orthodox and Catholic using Gauss's algorithm.

Scientific Calculator

Tkinter Scientific Calculator

Scientific calculator with functions abs, factorial, trigonometric functions, roots and some others


Send me a message

Get in Touch

If you want to check in detail some of the projects from above, ask me something related to the projects or work together on a project check the following links.