Drowsiness Detection


Real time drowsiness detection (blinks or yawns) with OpenCV using facial landmarks.
For a more detailed explanation of this project (more details and theory) read drowsiness_detection.pdf.
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Drowsiness detection on sleepy driver

Main Idea

The main idea of this project is to detect drowsiness. In other words we are trying to detect eye blinks or yawns and decide about drowsiness. We will use dlib library for detecting faces and predicting the facial landmarks of a person.

import dlib
# DLIB - Face Detector
detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()
# DLIB - Predictor
predictor = dlib.shape_predictor('Models/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat')

Using the above detector and predictor, after converting the frame (video capture) into grayscale, we detect faces on it.
After that it's time to determine the facial landmarks.

while True:
     _, frame =
     h, w = frame.shape[: 2]   # Height and Width of frame

     gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Grayscale
     faces = detector(gray, 0) # Detect faces in the gray frame

     # Loop through each face
     for face in faces:
          facial_landmarks = predictor(gray, face) # Determine facial landmarks

Below you can see a representation of the numbered facial landmarks.

Facial Landmarks

Eyes and Lips

Now that we have already detected the facial landmarks we can concentrate on the eyes and lips of a face in order to detect blinks or yawns respectively.


As shown in the facial landmarks image we can define two lists with numbers corresponding to left and right eye.

# Landmark indexes for eyes
left_eye = [36,37,38,39,40,41]
right_eye = [42,43,44,45,46,47]
Eye landmarks

Blink Detection

In order to build a function that will help us to determine if there is a blink or not we could use the Eye Aspect Ratio (E.A.R.) value as defined on the paper Real-Time Eye Blink Detection using Facial Landmarks [Soukupova, Cech].

Let's enumerate the facial landmarks of a single eye with points P1 to P6.

Eye landmarks distances

We will calculate the two vertical distances between points P2 - P6 (dist1) and P3 - P5 (dist2), and the horizontal (largest) distance between points P1 - P4 (dist3). So the E.A.R. (from now on ear) is defined as :

ear = (dist1 + dist2)/2*dist3

The above explanation and calculation is referring to only one eye. In order to use both eyes' ear, we can find the average eye aspect ratio from the two eyes (left and right).

Is it blink or not ?

How to decide if there is a blink or not by the ear value ? We can set an ear threshold. This means that if the current value is less than the threshold then it's a blink.

How to do this ? We can print a plot showing the ear value for each frame. Below there is a simple example that i made to define my ear threshold value.

Ear per frame

As a result I will set my ear threshold value to 0.3 at the beggining of our code.

# E.A.R. threshold
ear_thresh = 0.3


To find out if there is a yawn or not we will work exactly as before on the eyes section. First let's define a list with numbers corresponding to the lips part of a face as shown in the facial landmarks image.

Lips landmarks
# Landmark indexes for lips
lips = [60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67]

Yawn Detection

We will define a function similar to the eyes' function, in order to calculate Lips Aspect Ratio (L.A.R.). Let's enumerate the facial landmarks corresponding to the ''interior'' lips with points L1 to L8.

Lips landmarks distances

Now we can calculate the vertical distance between points L3 and L7 (dist1) and the horizontal distance between points L1 and L5 (dist2). So the L.A.R. (from now on lar) is defined as :

lar = dist1/dist2

Is it yawn or not ?

As in blink detection, we are going to set a lar threshold. Here it means that if the current value is greater than the threshold then it is a yawn.

Lar per frame

This plot is way different than the one on ear threshold values per frame. Here there are 4 different time periods (frame periods) with different situations. These situations are :

As a result I will set my lar threshold value to 0.5 at the beggining of our code.

# L.A.R. threshold
lar_thresh = 0.5

Drowsiness Detection

By combining eye aspect ration (ear) and lips aspect ratio (lar) values we can deside if there is drowsiness or not.

if total_yawns > 2 or total_blinks > 3:
    cv2.putText(frame, "ALERT", (w-120, 160), font, 1.2, (0, 0, 255), 4)

For a more detailed explanation of this project read drowsiness_detection.pdf.